To format a code block in Markdown, indent every line of the block by at least four spaces. You can format blocks of text in a monospaced font to make it easier to identify and read as code. > When you start a new line with additional > characters, > Character formatting is _also_ supported inside the **quote block**. > The second paragraph is grouped with the previous paragraph in the same quote block. This line is not formatted and does not belong to the quote block. > Use block quotes to emulate reply text. You can apply character formatting to a range of inline text with the following Markdown syntax. To ensure that the content you enter in these fields is formatted correctly, use the preview pane to the left of the input field. The ability to parse HTML tags is exclusive to issues and articles as well. For example, the extensions that support embedded content from Google apps, embedded video, YouTube video, issue links, article links, and user mentions are only supported in issues and articles. Many of the extensions that are described here are not available in these fields. In addition to issue fields, YouTrack supports Markdown in project descriptions, Markdown Notes widgets, user agreements, system-wide banners, and custom messages on the login page. When the text is formatted to your liking, copy the contents of the sandbox and paste it into the issue description or comment. Use the sandbox to preview the formatted output. The YouTrack Markup Reference page provides a sandbox. This opens the YouTrack Markup Reference page in your browser. To see a complete list of formatting options, click the Markdown link to open the syntax list, then click the help icon. These extensions support formatting options that are not included in the formal specification like checklists, strikethrough text, tables, user mentions, and issue links. The Markdown implementation in YouTrack follows the CommonMark specification with extensions. To learn more about the available options for formatting text, see Rich Text Editor. This type of markup is offered as an alternative to the visual formatting tools in the rich text editor. You can format text in issue descriptions, supplemental text fields, comments, and work items descriptions. In YouTrack, you can format text using the Markdown markup syntax.