Materials are presented with interesting pictures, voiceand narration, and cool animation to attract kids in learning.Later on, kids are able to test their understanding about thematerials through games. Throughoutthis game, parents could know how far kids' understanding aboutqur'an.Marbel combines learn and play concept in order to make learningmore fun. After learning, there are fun games for them. Each material is completedwith narration, so that kids can learn by just listening to thevoice. This app are equipped with narration which is beneficial forthose who haven't been able to read. This application help kidslearning Hijaiyah letters such as A Ba Ta, reading hijaiyah withits harokat (fathah, dummah, kasroh), and also reading hijaiyahwith harokat tanwin (Fathah Tanwin, Dummah Tanwin, KasrohTanwin).Through marbel Learns Qur'an, kids are able to learn qur'an in funway. Marbel Learns Qur'an is educationalapplication for kids aged 3-8 years old. Yufid.TV committed to continue to developvideo programs and other Islamic education, insha Allah. The entirevideo was uploaded on the website offered for FREE toall Muslims.Currently, Yufid.TV has accommodated more than 1000 videos areready to be listened to. Everything is presented for purposesof propaganda and education of Islam for all Muslims.
Yufid.TV a mission to present videos of Islamiceducation, either in the form of video recordings of Islamicstudies, short stories penggugah soul, Islamic motivation, as wellas advice nan soothing light. Yufid.TV is one website in the shadeYUFID NETWORK. Yufid.TV berkomitmen untuk terus mengembangkan videodan program-program pendidikan Islam lainnya, insya officialapplication of Yufid : not only a video. Seluruhvideo yang diupload di website dipersembahkan secaraGRATIS untuk seluruh kaum muslimin.Saat ini, Yufid.TV telah menampung lebih dari 1000 video yang siapuntuk disimak. Semuanya disajikan untuk tujuandakwah dan pendidikan islam bagi seluruh kaum muslimin.

Yufid.TV membawa misimenyajikan video-video pendidikan Islam, baik berupa rekaman videokajian islam, kisah singkat penggugah jiwa, motivasi islami, maupunnasehat ringan nan menyejukkan.

Yufid.TV merupakan salahsatu website di bawah naungan YUFID NETWORK. Aplikasi resmi Yufid.TV dari Yufid : bukan hanya sebatas video.